Creation Story – Tregimi i Krijimit


God created everything. He created all things we can see and can’t see. He spoke and created the sun, moon, stars, land and sea, the birds, the fish, the land animals, and plants, then He said, “it is good.” He then created man and woman patterned after Himself and said, “it is very good.” God also had fellowship with man. They were like family.


Zoti Krijoi gjithçka. Ai krijoi gjithçka që shohim e që nuk shohim. Ai foli dhe dielli, hëna, yjet, toka, deti, zogjtë, peshqit dhe kafshët e tokës u krijuan, e pastaj tha “është e mirë.” Ai pastaj krijoi burrin dhe gruan sipas imazhit të Tij dhe tha “kjo është shumë mirë.” Zoti kishte bashkësi me njeriun. Ata ishin si një familje.

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